
Recently, a fair amount of press has been given to the topic orthorexia, a term that basically means people who are obsessed with health food, or being healthy. It even goes so far as being classified as a mental disorder. You want to know what a mental disorder is? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. OR, being shocked that you can’ t lose weight or have a serious medical condition but you refuse to stop eating crap!

Our society is obsessed with food and dieting. When people actually make a positive and conscious decisions to make good food choices, then are labeled with such words as orthorexic, it can make a dietition ‘s blood boil.

Or what about when people like LeAnn Rimes suddenly lose 10 lbs. And clearly have muscle on their body? People go nutty bananas! Or what if you lost 10 or 15 lbs, and suddenly people are like, “why are you so skinny”.

You will never hear people say to you or others whom have clearly let themselves go…. “why are you so fat?”. Oh no, these individuals who have gained ten to fifteen pounds or more will never be confronted in the same way that those who are concerned about their health and wellness are.
Instead, these people will be talked about behind their back or whatever. This is ironic and absurd for a multitude of reasons.

Orthorexia cannot be considered a valid mental disorder in this day and age any more than having a pulse. Everyday Americans are confronted with high fructose corn syrup, processed foods, and genetically modified substances that resemble food. But, in fact are not food at all. These substances are really just products designed to fill you up and out!

Unless, you consider how disease, obesity, and poor diets are all related, you will continue to be part of the same viscous cycle. Telling yourself that you are fine, and at least your not obsessed with your health is the saddest part of all. You are basically a pawn for the industry who makes all this crap “food”.

Diabetes is one of the most devastating diseases of our time. The effects of this progressive disease are many. From disability to amputation, to death. Diabetes is very serious business, and should be taken seriously.

One thing that people with Diabetes should be more aware of and diligent about is the feet. With the progression of diabetes, often times the feet are where doctors and diabetics see the progression. Ulcers occurring on the bottom of the feet, can lead to infection, and amputation if left untreated. But, sadly since a loss of sensory feeling is a common part of the progression of the disease, called diabetic neuropathy, patients don’t even know that there is a problem on the bottom of their foot. And by the time they find out, it may already be too late.

New studies and science have shown that one of the best things a person with diabetes can do, is to check their feet regularly for ulcers, or other signs that internal damage is occurring. It is also critical to have your doctor examine your feet as part of your regular check up with diabetes. Examining the feet may be the best way to prevent further damage from occurring.

It is so important to be aware of how you can help yourself. Often times, people with certain diseases find healing and solace with nutrition, science and new information. Information is power and can bring new hope to a person struggling with a chronic or progressive disease.

Science is constantly making new advances in the world of medicine. And diabetic medicine is no different. Medical food, a prescription based “medicine” is one of the most exciting developments science has to offer the world of medicine, as well as diabetes, and most specifically diabetic neuropathy. And, since most modern disease usually occurs because of the lack of nutrients it only makes sense that food is part of the cure or treatment.

Metanx is a new medical food, specifically used for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. This medical food provides the exact type of nutrition that people with this disease need in order to maintain blood flow to the nerves. With increased blood flow, the pain goes away, and so does the chance for ulcers or infections in the feet. Consider visiting http://metanx.com for more information about this medical food.

Depression is an illness that many people deal with on a daily basis. Depression is one of those illnesses that affects everyone differently. But, one of the most frustrating parts of this illness is the treatment for it.

For over fifty years antidepressant medications have been prescribed for the treatment of depression. And for many people this has been a life saving medical advancement. While for others suffering from depression, these medications have not performed as well as they may have liked. Or, some medications work for a while and then stop after a period of time. This can be an extremely frustrating situation for those who continuously suffer from this illness. Making recovery nearly impossible.

There are a variety of reasons why certain drugs work for some people and not at all for others in the treatment for depression. But, over the years research has indicated that antidepressants may work much better with the help of folate.

Everyone knows that folate is an essential nutrient for good health and wellness. Most especially brain health and the development of a fetus during pregnancy. And most people get it from their daily diet. But, often times folate absorption eludes us. Meaning some people are unable to absorb it from the foods they eat. And, folic acid, a man made form of folate, from a vitamin supplement is not sufficient for absorption in some people.

But, quite recently there is now new hope for those whose depression reoccurs or is unresponsive to antidepressants alone. Folate, in it’s most usable form is now available for prescription called Deplin for the use in treating depression. Research has shown that using Deplin in unison with an antidepressant will allow patients to experience relief from their symptoms.

This means new hope for those who have grappled with this illness or have experienced relapses.


How much do you really know about folic acid?   Well, as you probably know from much research or from previous pregnancies that folic acid is highly recommended prior and during prenancy.  And, you also probably know that the reason for this is because folate is great for the prevention of birth defects.  But, what you may not know is that folic acid found in a multi vitamin or a prenatal vitamin is actually a synthetic version of folate.

You may be wondering why does this  matter; folic acid or folate, it’s all the same, right? Well the answer is no, they are not the same.  And, it actually does matter and they are actually different.  The specific reason that they differ is that folic acid in a vitamin needs a 4 step metabolic process in your body in order to convert it into folate that your body can use.  This is important to know because many women who have had multiple miscarriages have also been low on folate.  So, if one cannot properly absorb folic acid then there is a higher chance of miscarriage or birth defects.

But, over the past ten years German scientists have been working to create a better form of folate in the form of a supplement.  This new supplement called, L-methylfolate,
can actually be converted in the body in the same way that food, such as spinach, that naturally contains folate.  When you eat vegetables containing folate your body can easily absorb it in a one step metabolic process.  This is the same with L-methylfolate.  And, since many women are dangerously low in folate they cannot eat enough vegetables to compensate for the deficit.

This new form of folate is a wonderful choice for those who have had problematic pregnancies in the past.  For more information about L-methylfolate  and it’s benefits check out  www.neevodha.com


Should I Use Cerefolin For Mild Cognitive Impairment?

O.k. so, you may have just got the news that you have MCI, or Mild Cognitive Impairment.  This may be scary news, but it does not necessarily mean that you will develop Alzheimer’s disease.  There are three main risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s; age, family history, and genetics.  But, it has been suggested that there is a link with MCI and Alzheimer’s disease.  So, the time is now to be proactive and do something about it.  Where do you start?

Well, have you ever heard of medical food?  Medical food is like a prescription medication that is given to you from your doctor for certain conditions, like MCI.  Most interestingly, this medical food is proportionately tailored with the exact nutrients that your body is not getting or can no longer absorb on it’s own.  But, medical food makes this possible.  Cerefolin is one such medical food that is now being used to successfully treat MCI. Though it is not a cure all, but it will slow the progression and ease the symptoms of MCI.

Quite simply the main causes for Mild Cognitive Impairment are a lack of the right nutrients and  combinations to the brain over a lifetime. For many people a diet  that consists many with processed foods are quite likely to develop MCI.  This is because the amount of nutrients that are in most processed foods are not a sufficient source of vitamins and necessary nutrients.  It has been suggested that those whom have led a lifestyle eating a Mediterranean diet, meaning primarily vegetables, for most of their lives are more likely to avoid MCI.  That is why medical food is just what the doctor ordered for a condition such as this.  

With Cerefolin your brain will be receiving the right amount of nutrients in the exact format that will allow for the best absorption by the brain. You may wonder, why can’t I just take a couple extra vitamins or eat some salad with salmon?  Well, unfortunately the answer is “no”; at this point you no longer have the ability to absorb these crucial nutrients as easily as you did in your youth.  And while thinking about improving your current diet is always advisable, Cerefolin will pick up the slack, and cross the blood brain barrier that regular vitamins cannot.